7 Reasons -> Why Women Should Wear Head Coverings in Worship
IT WASN'T UNTIL the rise of feminism - in the middle of the 20th century - that women stopped covering their heads while in worship. The "head covering" symbolizes an authoritative hierarchy which has established the man as the the head of the familial unit and spiritual leader of his house/home.
Remember, the woman was created for the benefit of man in order to help him build and do the works of the Lord. She was created to be the Captain's "XO" aka, executive officer.
Here are the top 7 Reasons to consider when determining if you should require women to cover during worship.
Symbol of Authority: In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul writes that a woman’s head covering is a symbol of her submission to her husband and to God. This submission is not a diminishment of her worth or dignity but rather an acknowledgment of God’s created order and the husband’s leadership role (1 Corinthians 11:3-16).
Countercultural Practice: In the Corinthian church, women wore head coverings as a countercultural practice, distinguishing themselves from the surrounding pagan culture where women often went unveiled (1 Corinthians 11:15). This practice signified their commitment to Christ and His teachings.
Glory of Man: Paul writes that a woman’s long hair is her glory (1 Corinthians 11:15), implying that her head covering is a way to honor her husband and the created order. This understanding is supported by early Church Fathers like Hippolytus of Rome and Tertullian, who emphasized the importance of a substantial head covering.
Historical Tradition: The practice of women wearing head coverings in church has been a long-standing tradition in many Christian denominations, including the Catholic Church, where it is considered a sacramental. This tradition was upheld by various councils and popes throughout history, including the Synod of Rome in 743 and Pope Nicholas I in 866.
Biblical Command: The apostle Paul explicitly commands women to wear head coverings in 1 Corinthians 11:5, stating that they should cover their heads with a “symbol of authority” (1 Corinthians 11:10). This command is not optional but rather a requirement for women when they come to worship (1 Corinthians 11:16).
Order of Creation: Paul’s instruction to women to wear head coverings is tied to the order of creation, where men and women have different roles and responsibilities. By wearing head coverings, women acknowledge and submit to this created order, demonstrating their love and respect for God and their husbands (1 Corinthians 11:3-16).
The most pressing reason for women to cover during worship follows:
Because of the Angels: In 1 Corinthians 11:10 Paul states,
"Therefore the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels."
There are many verses in the Bible that seem to say one thing but when the surrounding context and historical positioning of events are considered, the entire understanding of the particular passage should be reconsidered. The first 6 reasons delineated above are informed by the last reason, "...because of the angels."
Often times we can only apprehend a given "truth" in the Bible as apposed to "comprehending" it. A perfect example of this is the doctrine of the Trinity. We can apprehend the teaching (grab a hold of/believe what is being stated) of the Trinity but not comprehend how 3 = 1 (understanding what is being stated).
In review, women should cover their heads during worship due to the following 7 Biblical lines of demarcation:
Symbol of Authority
Countercultural Practice
Glory of Man
Historical Tradition
Biblical Command
Order of Creation.
Because of the Angels.
Ultimately, it's not about feelings, it's about standards - Yahweh's standards!
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For if (it is) on account of the angels - those, to wit, whom we read of as having fallen from God and heaven on account of concupiscence after females - who can presume that it was bodies already defiled, and relics of human lust, which such angels yearned after, so as not rather to have been inflamed for virgins, whose bloom pleads an excuse for human lust likewise? For thus does Scripture withal suggest: And it came to pass, it says, when men had begun to grow more numerous upon the earth, there were withal daughters born them; but the sons of God, having descried the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all whom they elected.
Tertullian, On the Veiling of Virgins, Chapter 7. "Of the Reasons Assigned by the Apostle for Bidding Women to be Veiled."
NOTE: Photo credits go to modestmodernmaidens.weebly.com.