FYSA: News & Events In & Around the O.N.T.
In order to be prepared smartly, we must be situationally aware of any given threat that looms on the horizon and take the necessary steps to eliminate and/or mitigate those threats. For your situational awareness (FYSA), this column focuses on parts of the Original Northwest Territory to include the following states: Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. Due to their strategic importance to the TBR family, we have chosen to add the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. Our focus begins here; however, as news and events warrant, we will include all states and regions.
News & Events -> 14JAN25
Indiana -
Former Sheriff's daughter sentenced in fraud/theft scheme - Clark County: https://www.wthr.com/article/news/crime/kasey-noel-second-member-of-former-indiana-sheriff-jamey-noels-family-sentenced-to-prison/417-2f467273-a3fb-4d35-a7d1-8267f1cc5a4f
Indiana J6 "rioter" arrested in Canada - British Columbia: https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2025-01-09/indiana-man-who-fled-to-avoid-prison-sentence-for-storming-capitol-is-arrested-in-canada
New Immigration court coming - Indianapolis: https://www.wishtv.com/news/new-immigration-court-indianapolis/
Lee's Note: Don't "Chicago" our Indiana!
Ohio -
AI gun detection software deployed, monitored by Vets - Statewide: https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/central-ohio-news/more-ohio-schools-using-ai-gun-detection-software-monitored-by-military-veterans/
The new state of O "hi" o - Statewide: https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/state/ohio-recreational-marijuana-sales-topped-242-million-in-2024
GOP split on public school funding - Columbus: https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/politics/ohio-politics/after-backlash-ohio-gop-split-over-cutting-public-school-funding
Lee's Takeaway: Cut the funding for public schools now and eliminate the DOE (Department of Education) post haste. They/It are nothing more than Communist/Marxist/Socialist indoctrination centers. In addition, lower the taxes for homeschooling families that do not participate in the subversion of the United States. Our tax dollars should not got to institutions where we have no representation or need for their services.
Michigan -
'Snow' mageddon continues - Southern Michigan: https://www.mlive.com/weather/2025/01/intense-snow-showers-prompting-advisory-for-most-of-southern-michigan-including-aa-detroit.html
Naked New Yorker battles police after attacking homeowner - Monroe Co: https://www.mlive.com/news/2025/01/naked-man-assaults-homeowner-fights-with-police-before-arrest-in-monroe-county.html
Egg shortages due to "cage free" law in the UP - Upper Peninsula: https://www.uppermichiganssource.com/2025/01/14/why-eggs-have-been-more-expensive-harder-find-up/
Lee's Takeaway: Every household should have their own flock of birds. Chickens, guineas, ducks, etc. The PTSB (powers-that-shouldn't-be) have in the past and will continue to choke out the food supply. It's all part of the plan to bring America to her knees. This is such an easy problem to solve that it's downright shameful if you have the ability to mitigate it and do not take the steps to do so. Right belief, produces right action. Let's get to work!
Kentucky -
NKY woman falls through frozen lake...is rescued - Florence, Boone Co.: https://www.wkyt.com/2025/01/13/nky-woman-rescued-after-falling-through-frozen-lake-while-attempting-save-dogs/
Frigid temps are here, take care of your animals, folks - Louisville Metro: https://www.wlky.com/article/protecting-pipes-and-pets-as-cold-weather-settles-in-the-louisville-area/63418262
Trail cameras help capture attempted cop-killer - Breckinridge Co.: https://www.wlky.com/article/neighbor-trail-cameras-breckingridge-county-shot-deputy/63412865
Tennessee -
Lawmaker goes to battle against human trafficking - Nashville: https://www.wkrn.com/news/tennessee-news/lawmaker-combatting-human-trafficking/
SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) tries to insulate itself from wrong-doing - Tennessee Court of Appeals: https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/religion/2025/01/13/sbc-southern-baptist-convention-abuse-response-lawsuit-appeals-ruling/77582586007/
Additional News & Events...
California -
Massive wildfires possibly caused by electrical tower? - Southern California: https://www.woodtv.com/news/electrical-tower-eyed-as-possible-cause-of-deadly-eaton-fire-in-los-angeles-area-reports/
More wildfires trigger new "red-flag warning" - Southern California: https://thenationaldesk.com/news/americas-news-now/southern-california-residents-warned-of-more-wildfire-dangers-this-week-palisades-fire-eaton-fire-hurst-fire-santa-ana-winds-drought-fire-ecologist-los-angeles

NOTE: Photo credits go to Mike Jory.