Preparedness POA&M: Week Ending - 11JAN25 -> Snowmageddon 2025
The Preparedness POA&M (plan of action & milestones) is a weekly column focusing on skills, self-sufficiency and taskers needed to shore up those areas that will allow us to be part of the solution. As hard times continue to unfold and resources become scarce, the prepared mind strives to take steps to mitigate those eventualities. In order to shepherd our cause, we must have a plan of action and continuously evaluate our progress via milestones as we consider the path onward.
Lee's POA&M:
Evening, TBR Readers,
Wow, what a week here at Rose Ridge. During two separate winter events we received a total of 12-14 inches of snow with a half inch of ice in between the first and second rounds. Ft. Knox was shutdown for two days and the Grey tribe has been snowed in here on the ridge since last Sunday. It appears the inclement weather is over so I will be digging us out at the bottom of the drive tomorrow after service (we home school and home church in case you were wondering).
During unexpected events like this it serves one well to conduct an AAR (After Action Review) in order to assess (1) your state of preparedness, (2) identify any weak areas or gaps, and (3) take action to mitigate those gaps for the next T.E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I. block of instruction. Having said that, we are currently in the dead of winter here in the ONT (Original NW Territory) so you really do not have any excuse for NOT being prepared.
This weeks focus is on -> Snowmageddon 2025
The picture's for this week are of me grilling last Monday and the state of are driveway, leading to Rose Ridge, before the second round of snow fall. The burgers on the grill were purchased five years ago just before the C()vid "pl@ndemic" kicked off. Mamma Fitz pulled them from one of our freezers in storage. There was no discernable degradation in taste or quality and no freezer burn...winning.
My takeaway: You need to have a robust food supply in case you find yourself snowed in like we did this past week. Also, you can see the two propane takes to the bottom-right. You need to be able to cook that food storage and if you don't have a wood cook stove (number one choice) a grill with manageable/mobile propane tanks is a good second option.
In addition, if your resources allow, please try to install a solar array for powering the essentials in case the grid goes down (FYI - the lights in the picture are being powered by our generator). We are working towards that end, however, until we have enough bandwidth (aka -> money :-)) a great second option is a whole home generator with a transfer switch to power what you need. Maybe I'll address that in next weeks POA&M?
Taskers for the coming week...
(1) Complete my four-day-per-week workout sessions (with the snow, this will not happen. But I can still keep up on my sit-ups, pushups, and burpees. Snow shoveling should give me all the "aerobic" exercise I need).
(2) Dig out our driveway at the bottom of the ridge and lay down some more ice melt.
(3) Continue research and writing on my forthcoming novel, "A Mammoth Resistance."
(4) Continue studying the Sabbath, the Lords Day, and WHY the difference?
(5) Read through/listen to the Book of Judges.
Folks, 2025 has arrived with a bang!!
Between the NOLA terrorist attack, Cyber truck explosion at Trump Tower in Las Vegas, two massive back-to-back snow storms, and the several fires in Southern California destroying thousands of acre's and homes, this is no time to ease up on your preparedness. And to think of it...Trump hasn't even assumed office yet!
Keep your powder dry and your stores prepped so you will "always be ready."
Prepare Today | Prevail Tomorrow
Announced by all the trumpets of the sky, arrives the snow, and, driving o'er the fields, seems nowhere to alight: the whited air hides hills and woods, the river, and the heaven, and veils the farmhouse at the garden's end. The sled and traveler stopped, the courier's feet delayed, all friends shut out, the housemates sit around the radiant fireplace, enclosed In a tumultuous privacy of storm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

NOTE: This is our driveway leading uphill to Rose Ridge. We received about 4 additional inches of snow after this picture was taken.

NOTE II: Sometimes, Yahweh decides that you need some down time. The burgers were purchased 5 years ago right before the "pl@ndemic" of 2020. We pulled them from one of our freezers in storage.